New Member Coordinators

Katie Osako

Hometown: Brea, CA

Major: Human Biology

Minor(s): Health Innovation

Career Goal: Pediatrician

Involvements: AED, SCout, APASA

Favorite AED Memory: Getting stuck in a snowstorm in Lake Arrowhead with my new mem class

“If you are looking for a family that will help you navigate the pre-health journey but also is always down to have fun and make new memories, then AED is perfect for you :))”

Why AED?

Rajyk Bhala

Hometown: Sugar Land, Texas

Major: Health and Human Sciences

Minor(s): Health Policy, Spanish, Natural Sciences

Career Goal: Physician

Involvements: Science Outreach, Teach for Los Angeles, Research Assistant at the Gerontology School

Favorite AED Memory: Spring 2024 Arrowhead Retreat + Blizzard

“Meet your best friends!”

Why AED?

Marcus Chang

Hometown: Dyer, IN

Major: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Career Goal: Doctor + pro pickleball player

Involvements: Trojan Health Volunteers, Supplemental Instruction

Favorite AED Memory: Invite

“AED has brought a community of like minded individuals who have helped me throughout college.”

Why AED?