Associates Chairs

Sanaa Alam

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Major: Health Promotion & Disease Prevention

Minor(s): PDP in Global Medicine

Career Goal: Cardiologist

Involvements: Mobile Clinic, JEP Young Scientists Program, Keck Student Ambassadors, Southern California Healthcare Outreach, Chem Learning Assistant

Favorite AED Memory: Fall 2022 Invite

“Join AED to gain insight on the realities of the process of applying to medical school! As someone who has no family members in medicine, AED was instrumental to guiding me through each step of the medical school process!”

Why AED?

Tamara Margaryan

Hometown: Yerevan, Armenia

Major: Health and Human Sciences

Minor(s): Spanish

Career Goal: Pediatrician

Involvements: American Red Cross Director of Programming, Core Consulting Club, Research at XJ Chen’s Microbiology Lab

Favorite AED Memory: Spring 24 New Member Retreat

“In addition to access to priceless resources, opportunities, and connections through AED, it provides a supportive and inclusive comunity of pre-med students. AED's environment attracts like-minded dedicated students that help one another, and joining AED has been one of the most rewarding decisions I have made throughout my pre-med journey.”

Why AED?